IRCCyN/IVC 1080i Database
This database contains several reference HD videos (no processing or degradation) and seven different compressed videos (H.264 compression). There is one spreadsheet that contains the individual score and the MOS for each video for the SAMVIQ and ACR methodologies. The HRC is h264 coding with the JM coder version 7.5. A pretest with experts was done to find 7 bit-rates to have 7 different subjective scores. So, the bit-rates are not always the same and depend on the contents. The bit-rates are selected to have minimum quality in relation to the target, HD resolution.
Video sequences at FTP, no password. Link: Qualinet Databases Mirror: Link: ftpes:// Username: dbq-mirrors Password: kucykepe
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References and Citation
Please, cite the following paper in your reference if you use this database for your work [PPL08].
: Stéphane Péchard, Romuald Pépion, Patrick Le Callet, Suitable methodology in subjective video quality assessment: a resolution dependent paradigm, International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2008, Kyoto : Japan (2008).