IRCCyN/IVC HD UHD Eyetracking Videos

Author: IRCCyN/IVC

Partner: Yes




Total: 37

SRC: 37

Ratings: 42

Resolution: UHD (3840x2160), HD (1920x1080)


The main goal of this dataset is the comparison of visual attention and viewing behavior in HD and UHD.Different kind of analyses can be done: comparison of saliency through fixation density maps, impact of viewing conditions and resolution on distribution of gaze points and fixations, comparison of distribution of saccades, etc. Moreover, this dataset can be used to evaluate the performance of visual saliency models in HD and UHD, by comparing fixation density maps computed from acquired data with simulated saliency maps. Futhermore, this dataset provides useful data for any researcher working on dynamic visual attention in videos (dynamic visual attention modelling, visual attention and quality of experience, saliency-based video compression, etc.). The main qualities of the dataset are the large number of sources and observers compared to previously published video saliency database, as well as the high quality of professional videos.


Database at FTP, no password. Link: