Image dataset for evaluation of graphics artifacts
Reliable detection of global illumination and rendering artifacts in the form of localized distortion maps is important for many graphics applications. Two experiments were run where observers use a brush-painting interface to directly mark image regions with noticeable/objectionable distortions in the presence/absence of a high-quality reference image, respectively. The collected data shows a relatively high correlation between the with-reference and no-reference observer markings. The demanding perpixel image-quality datasets reveal weaknesses of both simple (PSNR, MSE, sCIE-Lab) and advanced (SSIM, MS-SSIM, HDRVDP-2) quality metrics. The datasets have further potential in improving existing quality metrics, but also in analyzing the saliency of rendering distortions, and investigating visual equivalence given our with- and no-reference data. Stimuli #1 - #10 come from EG 12 dataset, for the dataset SIGGRAPH Asia 12 a similar but more extensive experiment has been performed (stimuli #11 - #37) in a more rigorous setup. All scenes were rendered into high-dynamic-range images and tone mapped for display.
Images used in the experiment are available at: Links: Download SIGGRAPH Asia 12 dataset (including experimental study results, 195MB zip file): Link: Browse SIGGRAPH Asia 12 dataset: Link: Download EG 12 dataset (including experimental study results, 113MB zip file): Link: Browse EG 12 dataset: Link:
References and Citation
Please refer to the paper entitled [CHM12] for additional information.
: Martin Cadik, Robert Herzog, Rafal Mantiuk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel, New Measurements Reveal Weaknesses of Image Quality Metrics in Evaluating Graphics Artifacts, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2012.