MMSPG 3D Video Quality Assessment Database

Author: EPFL

Partner: Yes

Contact: Lutz Goldmann (

Tags: ,


Subjective scores: true

Total: 30

SRC: 6

HRC: 5

Ratings: 17

Resolution: 1920x1080

Method: ACR


The EPFL database (MMSPG 3D) contains 3D video quality test material (1920x1080) where the test conditions represent different camera distances [GDE10]. There were 20 subjects participants in the test and the camera distances were set to 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm. The subjective test campaign was conducted using 46’’ polarized stereoscopic display with a native resolution of 1920x1080 pixels which is used to display the test stimuli.


Database in ZIP archives, password protected, password upon request Lutz Goldmann ( Links: Processed and encoded stereo videos: LR video pairs stored as individual AVI files Raw subjective quality scores: List of 30 videos and the 30x20 score matrix as CSV files Mean opinion scores and confidence intervals: 30x1 mean opinion score and confidence intervals as CSV files


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References and Citation

If you use this database in your research we kindly ask you to reference this website and the paper below [GDE10].


  • GDE10: Lutz Goldmann, Francesca De Simone, Touradj Ebrahimi: "A Comprehensive Database and Subjective Evaluation Methodology for Quality of Experience in Stereoscopic Video", Electronic Imaging (EI), 3D Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications, San Jose, USA, 2010.