IRCCyN/IVC SVC4QoE Temporal Switch Video Database
This database contains 11 contents with for each content, the reference (without processing or degradation) and 36 different HRCs. The HRCs are h264 and h264/SVC. Several switching conditions were created between the base layer and the enhancement layer. There is one spreadsheet with the individual score and the MOS for each video for the results of subjective test using ACR methodology. A text file presents the conditions in which the videos was evaluated.
Video sequences at FTP: Link: Qualinet Databases Mirror: Link: ftpes:// Username: dbq-mirrors Password: kucykepe
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References and Citation
Please, cite the following paper in your reference if you use this database for your work [PEL11].
: Yohann Pitrey, Ulrich Engelke, Patrick Le Callet, Marcus Barkowsky, Romuald Pépion, "Subjective quality of SVC-coded videos with different error-patterns concealed using spatial scalability", EUVIP, Paris, 2011.