IRCCyN/IVC SVC4QoE Replace Slice Video Database
This database contains 9 contents with for each content, the reference (without processing or degradation) and 14 different HRCs. The HRCs are h264 and h264/SVC with simulated transmission errors. Several error concealments was tested using the h264/SVC capability. There is one spreadsheet with the individual score and the MOS for each video for the results of subjective test using ACR methodology. A text file presents the conditions in which the videos was evaluated.
Video sequences at FTP: Link: Qualinet Databases Mirror: Link: ftpes:// Username: dbq-mirrors Password: kucykepe
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References and Citation
Please, cite the following paper in your reference if you use this database for your work [PBL10].
: Yohann Pitrey, Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick Le Callet, Romuald Pépion, "Evaluation of MPEG4-SVC for QoE protection in the context of transmission errors", SPIE Optical Engineering, San Diego, 2010.