IRCCyN/IVC H264 AVC vs SVC VGA Video Database
This database contains 56 (28 QVGA and 28 VGA) videos sequences and the associated subjective results. 4 different video source contents were used in QVGA and the same 4 contents in VGA. For each content, the reference (without degradation) and 6 different degradations, in each format called Hypothetical Reference Circuits (HRCs) were subjectively evaluated. The HRCs are based on H.264 and H.264/SVC coding without transmission errors. For each content, a SVC bitstream was created with 4 layers (2 in QVGA and 2 VGA)Some AVC bitstream were generated to compare each layer of the SVC coding with an AVC coding at the same bitrate and at the same PSNR.
Video sequences at FTP: Link: Qualinet Databases Mirror: Link: ftpes:// Username: dbq-mirrors Password: kucykepe
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References and Citation
Please, cite the following paper in your reference if you use this database for your work [PBP10].
: Yohann Pitrey, Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick Le Callet, Romuald Pépion, "SUBJECTIVE QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF MPEG-4 SCALABLE VIDEO CODING IN A MOBILE SCENARIO", Second European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, Paris, 2010.