DASH SVC Dataset

Author: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Partner: Yes

Contact: Information for the database may be obtained by contacting Christian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.uni-klu.ac.at) Stefan Lederer (stefan.lederer@itec.uni-klu.ac.at)




The SVC video is encoded at one baselayer with ~0,3 Mbps at 320×180, enhancement layer one with ~0,95 Mbps at 640×360 and enhancement layer two with ~2,7 Mbps at 1280×720. The segments are available as bitstream without container. Furthermore, the SSIM values are provided for each layer. Special thanks to Christian Sieber from University Würzburg for providing this content (sieber@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de)!


All video sequences are available at HTTP and FTP. Link: http://www-itec.uni-klu.ac.at/ftp/datasets/mmsys12/TearsOfSteel

References and Citation

If you use our data for your own publications please do not forget to reference the website and our paper [SHZ13].


  • SHZ13: Christian Sieber, Tobias Hoßfeld, Thomas Zinner, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Christian Timmerer, “Implementation and User-centric Comparison of a Novel Adaptation Logic for DASH with SVC,” In Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management (QCMan), Ghent, Belgium, May 2013.