Visual Attention for Image Quality Database (VAIQ)

Author: Blekinge Institute of Technology

Partner: Yes



Total: 42

Ratings: 15


The Visual Attention for Image Quality Database (VAIQ) is available from the Radio Communication Group at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. The database contains gaze patterns of 15 observers and saliency maps for 42 reference images from the IRCCyN/IVC, MICT, and LIVE databases as mentioned above.


ZIP archives, password protected, password upon request Ulrich Engelke ( Links: Gaze patterns in Excel spreadsheets (~16.9 MB)$file/ Gaze patterns in Matlab workspace (~3.6 MB)$file/ Saliency maps Set 1 (~32.4 MB)$file/ Saliency maps Set 2 (~34.2 MB)$file/ Saliency maps Set 3 (~36.5 MB)$file/ Saliency images (~13.6 MB)$file/ VAIQ readme file (~4 kB)$file/

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Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute the data provided and its documentation for research purpose only. The data provided may not be commercially distributed. In no event shall the Blekinge Institute of Technology and the University of Western Sydney be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the data and its documentation. The Blekinge Institute of Technology and the University of Western Sydney specifically disclaim any warranties. The data provided is on an โ€œas isโ€ basis and the Blekinge Institute of Technology and the University of Western Sydney have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.

References and Citation

If you use the VAIQ database for your research, we kindly ask you to refer to our paper [EMZ09] and to this website [EMZ09b].


  • EMZ09: U. Engelke, A. J. Maeder, and H.-J. Zepernick, "Visual Attention Modeling for Subjective Image Quality Databases," in Proc. of IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), October 2009.
  • EMZ09b: U. Engelke, A. J. Maeder, and H.-J. Zepernick, "Visual Attention for Image Quality Database,", 2009.