MMSPG Multi-view database
One of the alternative methods to display 3D content on the conventional 2D screen is based on the monocular cue called motion parallax. One of the ways how to employ motion parallax based method is to use multi-view image or video content and then to display relevant view for each position of viewer face. In general, there is not sufficient amount of multi-view image data available due to the difficult multi-view acquisition proces which needs specific hardware and software solution. We came up with the solution to render multi-view content using open source software called Blender ( The biggest advantage of this software is the availability of production repository and the posibility to use scripting in order to automate required tasks. So, the python scripts which allows the user to generate set of cameras in different setup (1D parallel, circular, grid) and render the scene from Blender with each of them has been developed and are available.
Python scripts to automaticaly generate the multi-view content from Blender are available from HTTP: Script using Add-On in Blender Link: Scripts using command line Link: Manual how to use scripts Link: Link to ftp server with multi-view database (under construction…) In order to obtain the password to access ftp server please contact Martin Rerabek (
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