Memorability database
135 images of 3 classes of image memorability (low, average high) were extracted from Isola database. The images come along with eye-tracking data. Recently, the memorability of an image database was measured and some factors responsible for this memorability were highlighted. The role of visual attention in image memorability around two axis is investigated. The first one is experimental and uses results of eye-tracking performed on a set of images of different memorability scores. The second investigation axis is predictive and we show that attention-related features can advantageously replace low-level features in image memorability prediction.
The dataset can be downloaded from the webpage: Link: Direct link to the ZIP file: Link:
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References and Citation
If you use the database, please cite this reference [ML13].
: M. Mancas, O. Le Meur, Memorability of Natural Scenes: the Role of Attention, Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP 2013), Melbourne, Australia, September 15-18.