LIVE 3D Image Quality Database - Phase I

Author: LIVE - University of Texas

Partner: No

Contact: Dr. Anush Krishna Moorthy ( - Graduated from UT Austin in 2012 Che-Chun Su ( - Graduate student at UT Austin Anish Mittal ( - Graduate student at UT Austin Dr. Alan C. Bovik ( - Professor, Dept. of ECE, UT Austin

Tags: ,


Subjective scores: true

Total: 365

SRC: 20

HRC: 80

Resolution: 12.1 Mpix


The 3D IQA database consists of 20 reference images and 365 distorted images (80 each for JP2K, JPEG, WN and FF; 45 for Blur) with co-registered human scores in the form of DMOS. All distortions are symmetric in nature. Apart from human opinion scores for every distorted image, the database also provides researchers access with `true’ depth and disparity information of every reference image obtained from a range scanner, which all of the above databases lack. The image and range data used in this study were collected using an advanced terrestrial range scanner, the RIEGL VZ-400, with a co-registered 12.1 megapixel Nikon D700 digital camera mounted on top of it.


Database can be downloaded using the link: Please fill the form and the password will be sent to you:


Link: Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this database (the images, the results and the source files) and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the copyright notice in its entirety appear in all copies of this database, and the original source of this database, Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering (LIVE, and Center for Perceptual Systems (CPS, at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin,, is acknowledged in any publication that reports research using this database.

References and Citation

The following papers [MSM12] are to be cited in the bibliography whenever the database is used.


  • MSM12: A.K. Moorthy, C.-C. Su, A. Mittal and A.C. Bovik, “Subjective evaluation of stereoscopic image quality,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, to appear, 2012.