Author: IRCCyN/IVC

Partner: Yes

Contact: Florent Autrusseau (



Subjective scores: true

Total: 120

SRC: 5

HRC: 24

Ratings: 14

Method: DSIS


12 original grayscale images were used (from the BOWS-2 contest), 120 distorted images were generated from 5 embedding strengths either in the wavelet domain (DWT) or using the Dual Tree Complex Wavelet transform (DT-CWT). Subjective evaluations were made at viewing distance of 6 times the screen height using a DSIS (Double Stimulus Impairment Scale) method with 5 categories and 14 observers. Distortions for each processing and each image have been optimised in order to uniformly cover the subjective scale.


Still images and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, giving all subjective quality scores is included in one archive at HTTP (31MB): Link: Qualinet Databases Mirror: Link: ftpes:// Username: dbq-mirrors Password: kucykepe

References and Citation

Please, cite the following paper in your reference if you use this database for your work [CPA10].


  • CPA10: M. Carosi, V. Pankajakshan, F. Autrusseau, "Toward a simplified perceptual quality metric for watermarking applications", Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging, conf. 7542, January 2010, San Jose, CA, USA.