MMSPG EPFL Balelec dataset for PetaMedia community
The provided 22 sequences were recorded during the Balelec Festival which was held in EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland on May 9th, 2009. They contain interviews with people during the festival and the atmosphere of the festival. Most of the interviews are in English, but sometimes French and German were also spoken. The length of the sequences varies between 13 and 160 seconds. The EPFL Balelec dataset is made available to the PetaMedia community in order to provide the community with a benchmark dataset for any relevant research fields. Due to the storage problem, the original high definition recordings have been re-encoded by reducing the frame size and the quality. Finally, the visual component of the provided data has the frame size of 704x396 pixels and the frame rate of 50 Hz (interlaced), which was encoded in MPEG-4. The audio component in the MP3 format has a stereo channel with a 48 kHz sampling rate.
All the data are available in one single zip file of approximately 170 MB (restrictive access only).
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